Farley's Lilypie

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Am I ready for this?

New trick alert. Yup, this weekend we mastered the "pull up." This was taken tonight before bathtime and I had to snap a picture. Yes, it's dark because we're trying to set the sleepy tone before bedtime... as you can tell, this looks like a baby girl who is ready to fall asleep. Or, not so much!

The quality- once again- is janky because it was taken with my phone. "Wait," you say... "I thought you got a fantastical wonderful awesomeness-filled new camera for Christmas?" "Ah yes," I reply. That aforementioned fantastical wonderful yadda yadda camera currently houses more than 500 (yes, I am also alarmed by that amount) beautiful pictures that need to be downloaded. Problem is... Still no working computer. I think Jason (though he is a computer baby genius compared to me) has finally said Uncle and we're going to hand it over to the
Geek Squad and pray they don't tell us we need to just get a new one!

Anyway... Back to the superstar. I mean what the heck in the world is this pulling up mess about already?!? We just started crawling a couple of weeks ago! I can't keep up; my brain needs time to process these growing-up-so-fast-holy-cow-what-happened-to-my-little-pink-swaddled-newborn moments. Guess she's not waiting for me, huh?

Plus, the slow crawling... Done. Bye bye. It was nice knowing you, spare moment to walk in the kitchen to refill my glass. She's dang fast! Farley's like a fugitive on the run. Turn your back and she's taken off in the other direction. You had better watch out! I'm looking at you, cat food. (seriously-- the one thing in the kitchen we can't babyproof or put away and she's going straight for it) All joking aside, things are getting really crazy and really fun, too. I wouldn't trade it for the world!

And why why didn't anyone tell me how much babyproofing was going to cramp my style? I have started to get used to the fact that I can't just open any cabinet in my house... I have to *unlock* it. Now, I'm having some trouble adjusting to the toilet locks. I mean, why does it take so much effort to just peepee? Yeesh. Then... baby gates. Baby gates. BABY GATES!!! Arghhhh. We got some hand-me-downs (thanks Leann) so we busted them out the other day, all ready to put Farley in lockdown. Well, guess what? We have this huge opening from the kitchen to the living room and, wouldn't you know it, the ones we have don't extend enough. So, Jason went to purchase one that would work. After buying a gold-plated super gate (oh... not gold-plated? could've fooled me with how much it cost!), we put it up and discovered that gates that wide are also made very tall. Verrrry tall. Like, higher than my waist tall! Excuse me... did we mommyproof as well??? So, I can't put it up because it drives me bonkers to have to walk out the other side of the kitchen and down the hall to get into the living room. Hence the cat food beeline. I decided to put the others up in doorways hemming in the living room, and-- shocker-- our other doorways are too small for the gates to fit! Serenity now!!! Of course, the new Whitney just started laughing at this point and decided I would just follow Farley around everywhere like a train caboose and tackle the gate issue later!

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