Farley's Lilypie

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, February 12, 2010

8 Months (and my, how life has changed)

Well, today is Farley's 8-month birthday! What a difference 8 months have made. I know I'm a totally different person (I hope for the better mostly!) and this is how I know... last night was just one of those nights. I mean, one where you think to yourself that surely, just surely someone is playing a joke on you. I actually thought to myself, in the midst of it all, "if this had happened to me a year ago, I would probably either be crying or saying some choice words right now!"
Here's how it started: I put Farley in her high chair for dinnertime. While I get her food ready, I usually give her a sippy cup with water and some puffs or yogurt melts as her "appetizer" so she can practice her self-feeding. So, I put the food out on her tray and I look over as she picks up a melt and navigates it to her mouth (the majority of them usually end up on the ground). She starts gumming it and then, a little cough... a gag...another gag. I'm running over to the high chair going, "no, don't barf!!!" Because, folks, I knew what was coming. Farley has been throwing up a lot lately. I mean, like every day. Sometimes she'll do it if she doesn't like what I'm feeding her (she'll gag herself until she pukes...nice), or if she gets a little choked up. Anyway, back to the action... As I get to her, it happens, just like I knew it would. She throws up. Projectile-style. Guess what? She had carrots for lunch! Guess how I knew? It was orange! So, it's all over her (precious outfit... yes, it somehow gets under the bib), the tray, down the legs of the chair, puddled in the footrest, and all over the splat mat underneath.
So, I throw the tray in the sink for washing and grab her out of the seat to get her out of the wet clothes. Since the mess is orange, I don't want to sit her on the *white* changing pad, so I put her down on the carpet in her nursery and started pulling off clothes. Once I get them off, I throw them in the sink in her bathroom and start running water and I go back into her room to wipe her down. I plop down on the floor with her to change her diaper and when I get it off, I hear *trickle trickle* and then *GUSH*. Yep, I sure did stopper the sink and leave the water running. I had never really noticed before that our sinks don't have those overflow holes. Lesson learned. So, mid-diaper change, I jump up and turn off the water in the sink and open the drain. At this point, I'm already thinking, "seriously? Anything else wanna go awry?" So, I run back to get Farley and she's rolled over and crawling to check something out. In her wake, I notice she left me a nice peepee puddle on the carpet. Yes way. This is the point that I thought that the old me would have been crying or as mad as a hornet. Instead I just giggled and thought how this would make a funny movie.
So, I get her, put on the diaper and assessed the situation. I got some leggings out for her and pulled them on. I knew a shirt could wait, I just didn't want her knees to get any redder (toughening up for this crawling is serious business). So, once she was pantsed and safe in her room, I went to get paper towels for the pee puddle (I figured I might as well work backwards). By the time I got back, she had crawled over to her tub of toys and had sat right down in front of it, pulled it over, and dumped all of her toys out on her lap. She was in hog heaven and it was the cutest thing. So, the new Whitney put down the paper towels, left the water all over the bathroom floor and puke all over the kitchen and went and got my camera to capture the moment. Pee, puke and water can wait. Eight months with Farley have flown by so fast and there's nothing more important to me anymore than enjoying and capturing these funny, sweet, silly moments before they pass me by.

So, about Miss Farley at eight months:

  • Miss Crawly von Crawlerson- Yes, she loves to crawl now. She's not very speedy-- despite her best efforts, she still hasn't caught the cat! But, she is slowly discovering new things around the house, like last night when she crawled under the coffee table and thought she had discovered a Whole New World (try to not sing the Aladdin song now!).
  • Getting a little picky- Yep, all that bragging I did about how good of a eater she is... "ha!" says the Universe. That's what I get. We have gotten awfully picky as of late, and, like I mentioned above, she's started gagging herself when she doesn't like what you're offering.
  • Screaming!!!!!- Yes, she figured out how those cute little squeals she learned to make can be so much more! She will scream to get attention and then just laugh at herself. I'm sure our neighbors think we're torturing her!!! (by the way.. shout out to our favorite neighbors who have one of their own on the way... congrats and do we find out soon?)
  • Talking- We can now "bah" "dah" "gah" and all other sorts of noises as well as some weird tongue "tsk" thing she does to call the cat (like what we do, but slower). She still loves to blow raspberries.
  • Games- Farley loves to play "Ride a little horsey" and "Pattycake" still, even though her patty-caking consists of her clapping just one hand on yours. "Peek a boo" is even better now, because she loves to cover/uncover her face herself and thinks it's hysterical.

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