Farley's Lilypie

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Four Months!

Well, yesterday Farley was four months old. What an exciting time for everyone... when did she get so stinkin' fun? So, we went for her four-month checkup this morning (that's where she is in the picture above - wrapped up in Daddy's lap and waiting for the Dr.). Needless to say, the shots are her least favorite part, but otherwise she looks great. Perfect, actually, is what the Dr. said! She's 13 lbs 4 oz and 24 1/2 inches long and is around the 40th percentile. I guess her growth is slowing a bit-- she was up higher in those percentiles for her two-month visit!!

I was going to wait until her six month to write the things I wanted to remember, but I think I'll try to do it every month-- mainly because she changes so much in just one month! So, here we go...

Things I want to remember about Farley at age four months:

  • Well, she figured out that rolling over thing. It's not that she loves to be on her belly, it's like she just can't stop! There were a few nights we wished we could wedge her into the crib because she would roll over and wake herself up at least every hour! Finally, she figured out she could just go on sleeping that way. Now, most mornings (on those glorious ones when she's slept through the night) she's sleeping on her belly when I go to get her up.
  • When she does get on her belly (and is usually fussing about it), she has started getting her legs bending and working so that she starts to creep forward. Yikes-- too early too early-- do not be learning to get mobile Farley! We haven't baby proofed yet!
  • She can get those hands of hers to do what she wants a little better. Now, we have started the golden age of everything that she grabs going straight into her mouth.
  • Slobber monster! Either you had better put a bib on her (that will have to be changed after a while) or you will be changing a wet onesie multiple times a day!
  • She loves to figure out how to make new noises. First, it was the raspberry-blowing, then grunting. Yesterday she started sticking her tongue way out and going "aaagghhhh" like someone is checking her throat. It's a little strange, but definitely better than the grunting!

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