Nope, nothing to say, really, since I just posted. I just downloaded some pics from my camera and thought everyone needed to see them, so here's the good stuff (the only reason that anyone with any sense would navigate to this page)... Farley!!!

Super Baby! Farley loves to "fly"

The first cool day and we bundled Farley up for daycare. Do you think we may have gone a bit overboard?

What a sweet face.

Since she has Alabama Gameday gear, this proves I can do equal opportunity dressing! So, I got her an Auburn outfit, too, to keep Daddy happy!

Just hanging out with Daddy on Saturday morning.

Catching a nap earlier tonight. I realized I never take pictures of her sleeping, so I got one to prove that she does that too (and it's awesome when she does!).
Let me just say: this is the best blog out there, my daughter is very clever, this baby is the smartest child ever and lastly, I couldn't have imagined loving this baby as much as I do.