I'm finally getting to posting my Easter pics. It was such a wonderful day: good food, good company, good candy in Farley's basket (that Easter bunny-- he knew Lent with no candy had been rough on Farley's mama so he brought her some to share), and most of all, the anniversary of the greatest day in history for us all to celebrate. Easter=great day!
It was a big day for Farley... short on napping and big on activity, but she was a trooper and never fussed a bit. That is one thing I feel brave enough to taunt the universe about... no matter how much I brag about how stinkin' good she is, well, she's still so good! She's happy and laid back-- Jason and I really lucked out. Can we brag and pretend that it's all a result of our awesome parenting skills? However, a year and a half from now when she's having a full-blown nuclear meltdown in a department store, can I then claim that I never said it? Deal! On with the good stuff:
Her Easter basket (made by Cooie)...includes a new bath towel and spout cover (for taking big girl baths in the tub), a new sippy cup, a new shirt for Monty her sock monkey, a cross for her room, and CANDY!!!
What's all this stuff? For me?
As if you don't already know who these people are...And these, too!
Ally is helping Farley show off her bunny necklace from the Taylors. By the way, is she storing up for the winter in those cheeks? Yeesh!
Just cute- no other description necessary
The whole clan
Mom and Dad looking sharp
Farley didn't actually hunt eggs this year, she just did some modeling with her basket!
And then tasted her basket, naturally
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