See the title above and be warned: this post may cause nausea in those who do not find Farley as awesome as we do!!!
So, if you're still reading, I have to tell you that I am gonna do some serious bragging about sweet thing. First is this-- she is Miss Congeniality at daycare. Over the last couple of weeks, I have had each individual teacher at her school tell me that Farley is their favorite baby! (naturally!) I mean, this isn't even me prodding-- they just come right out and tell me. Even the infant 3 and 4 teachers who haven't even had her in their class yet come down the hall to see her. Usually, they all say they not to take her yet, that they want to hold her or play with her a little longer. One even said she would be so sad when Farley had to go up to the "big school" (2years-5K) and she hasn't even been to her class yet! They even told me one of the other parents came in to pick up their baby the other day and looked at Farley and said, "I just love Farley!!" But seriously, how can you not? She really does have the best personality. And seriously (this is where I tempt fate) she hardly ever cries!
Last night, she officially sort of crawled. I don't know if it counts as crawling, because she only gets one... stride (step...lunge...what do I call it?) in before she collapses, but then she gets right up and tries again. It's only a matter of time!!! We are in the process of babyproofing-- finally!
Other accomplishments this week include feeding herself puffs (I'd say 1 in 4 actually makes it in her mouth). Besides the puffs, there's no other self-feeding going on. She's perfectly happy with someone else feeding all other foods, holding her bottle, and holding her sippy cup.
And now for the good stuff:
First time swinging at the park weekend before last
Bathtime- mmm... duck butt
Playing in her "house" with Monty
Just looking pretty for Mama!
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