No, I don't ever buy these "collage" shots, but they make them anyway, so I figured I could throw it on the blog...

In other GINORMOUS news, Farley said "mama" this morning! Actually, it was "mamamamama" and not directed at me whatsoever-- it was just babbling, but rocking nonetheless. Also, it seems that I will not be posting at her 10 month update that we still don't have any teeth. They are there, I can feel them coming through, but you can't really see them much yet. Just barely peeking through at the top. Two on the bottom! At the same time! When you can see them better, and in the off chance (which is one in ten million) that I can photograph them, I will. (Farley's teeth = Loch Ness monster) Funny thing was that now that they're coming, I told Jason that I'm secretly kind of sad since it's just another sign of how fast she's growing. I'm kind of attached to that gummy grin!