Monday, December 21, 2009
6 Month Checkup
and she hasn't slept worth a toot since then!!! Why oh why didn't I knock on some wood???
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Farley with her Aunt Delia
Farley with her cousin, Kelsey and Aunt Laura telling a story!
Up next are cute pictures I just can't resist posting. I did a photo session with my silly pussycat for our Christmas cards and I have to say I was pleased with what I got. If you didn't get one, please don't be mad!!! I bought the cards on clearance a few years ago (yes, I've been hoarding them until I had a baby) and I had very few, so it was mostly just family that got them. But, if you didn't get one, we hope you have a wonderful Christmas, too!!! I just ran out of cards! Haha. That sounds so lame! Next year, I'll buy more, I promise! I did print out extra copies, so if you want one, just let me know. Here's a couple pics that didn't make the cut:
Six Months!
- Sitting pretty- My supported sitter has moved to completely independent sitting now. I'm not saying she doesn't take a tumble every now and then, but for the most part, she loves to sit on the floor and just play with her toys and look around (to make sure you're watching, of course).
- Knaw, knaw- As I write this, I think in my heart of hearts that surely, SURELY we will have a tooth tomorrow morning when we wake up. But, I've been thinking that for like a week now! Farley has been sorta teething for about more than a month now, but for the past couple of weeks, we have been what I call "hard core teething." Cranky, chewy, a little fussy (strange for her), slight fever, boom boom diapers (you don't want to know)... all the signs. Where's my stinkin' tooth? Yeesh!
- She has the funniest smile! Her daycare teachers, her photographer yesterday, everyone thinks she has the best smile. That's because instead of a little grin, she smiles with her mouth wide open. It's hysterical... I wondered why she was smiling like that, but then after some careful observation, I noticed that Jason and I both open our mouths huge like that (Jason's is HUGE). It's just a lot cuter when Farley does it!
- Her laugh. I'm gonna say that's she's pretty stingy with her laughs, but when you do get them and she gets really tickled, it's like the sweetest sound on Earth.
- Fuzz head- About two weeks ago, Farley pretty much went completely bald! I was bemoaning the fact and then, all of a sudden, all this fuzzy hair started growing in-- and it's growing so fast! I think it's going to be light brown this time around.
- Feeding time! Farley should get the go-ahead from the doctor tomorrow to start real food (not just cereal) so I know she's excited. She never really liked the rice too much, but I started her on mixed a week ago and that is something she can get behind.
- Separation issues- Farley has really started getting upset when you leave her, put her down, think you're going to do something other than hold her... I know this is a phase we're going through, and some days are better than others. Sometimes, if she's occupied with a really interesting toy, you can walk into the laundry room to start a load of clothes. Other days, she thinks you have lost your stinkin' mind if you think you're going to put her down even long enough to run to the potty! I try not to think this is a bad thing, especially considering one day when she's older she'll probably be mad if I walk into her room!!!
As always, she continues to amaze us every day. She is growing like a weed (bye bye cute 3-6 month clothes... hello 6-9! Don't worry, she's not hurting for anything precious to wear in her two closets full!!!) She loves any and all attention and between Jason and me and the rest of her family and being the teacher's pet at daycare, she's pretty much covered!!! Here's some previews from her six-month session yesterday.